Lovesong Dedications

Oh man, I’ve been listening to that late night ‘Lovesong Dedications’ show on the AM band too much lately. Do they have one in your part of the world? Usually hosted by a male presenter that has three testicles; how else to explain the Davy Jones deep voice? He chats to women who call in and send out sentimental messages to their fellas who are driving the interstate, or doing the night shift, or locked in a prison cell. They chat for a while about what their blokes mean to them, the women get a bit choked up expressing how much they love each other, and then the soft intonations of a Phil Collins song start up.

But don’t misunderstand me here; I’m not ridiculing the show. Far from it. You see, I’ve been sucked in and I’m now a devotee. Since hearing all those women shedding inhibitions and pouring out their hearts on national radio I realise that there are things that I’ve been holding back. Things that I should get off my chest and it would ease my heavy heart if I could say just a few words.

So, long-time listener, first time caller… 


“I’m a very fortunate man. While everyone else dedicates their song to that one special someone, I have a few whom I’d like to express my love to via earnest words and a power ballad. So for always responding to 4am wake up calls; for keeping company on caffeine fuelled highway runs and pitch black paddle outs; for loving shacks; but most of all, for still being mad for it after all these years I dedicate this song to Smell, Barney and Wolfey.” 








Don’t get jealous Clif, you also remind me of Phil Collins.”