Congratulations Tara June Winch

Tara June Winch with her mentor Wole Soyinka

Tara June Winch with her mentor Wole Soyinka

Tara June Winch, who contributed the beautiful short story Summers Gone to our second issue, has won the literature category in the 2008/2009 Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative. As a protege Tara receives a year of one-on-one creative mentoring from Nigerian playwright, poet, novelist and essayist Wole Soyinka. Soyinka won the Nobel prize for literature in 1986.

Under the guidance of her new mentor Tara plans to finish writing her second novel. Her first was Swallow The Air .

Despite being a professional writer Tara donated Summers Gone to us and we at Kurungabaa wish her all the best for the upcoming year.

Read Summers Gone here.