Author Archive

Correction to Last Issue


In the last issue of Kurungabaa (Vol 2 No 1) Nick Carroll wrote an article titled ‘Doomed to The Department of Cheese?’ about the portrayal of surfing in works of fiction. In the… Continue reading

Onions Make Me Cry


Oh yes they do. They make me cry tears of joy. Take a look at the Tasman Sea Onion forecast to form in the vege patch this week. Isn’t it just beautiful?

Rememberance of Things Past


A couple of weeks back I was reading through an internet surf forum and came across an entry by a fella named Grazza. It was in a thread titled ‘Wiping Out Effectively’ and is… Continue reading

The Surf Punks


Fluoro shirts are back on the racks, hipsters are sporting Rayban Wayfarers, and the hemline of boardshorts is creeping northward again. Yep, the 80’s revival is in full swing. As someone who was old… Continue reading

Vale Peter Troy


Australian surf pioneer Peter Troy died at his Sunshine Coast home yesterday. Troy, who introduced surfing to England and helped discover Nias, died unexpectedly from a blood clot on his lung. Known for… Continue reading

Descent Into The Maelstrom


A classic song by 70’s Australian punk band Radio Birdman. Descent Into The Maelstrom takes it’s name from a short story by Edgar Allen Poe in which the narrator experiences “the most terrible… Continue reading

The Blogging Revolution


The young online tribe is more interested in discussing sex, drugs and rock’n’roll than political revolution, writes Antony Loewenstein

Congratulations Tara June Winch


Tara June Winch, who contributed the beautiful short story Summers Gone to our second issue, has won the literature category in the 2008/2009 Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative. As a protege Tara… Continue reading

Lovesong Dedications


Oh man, I’ve been listening to that late night ‘Lovesong Dedications’ show on the AM band too much lately. Do they have one in your part of the world? Usually hosted by a… Continue reading

Paradise By The Dashboard


OK, here’s a photospread dedicated to all you lazy surfers out there. To all you surfers who don’t care what’s around the next headland and just wanna surf in front of the carpark. These are for you.… Continue reading